Wednesday, June 6

Seth's thoughts on logo design.

Seth makes a great point as to the power of a logo being created by the brand and not by the design of the logo. A well designed logo doesn't matter if you have a poor brand, and you don't need to spend huge amounts of resource on logo design, when working on your brand will do the trick. Seth mentions Apple, Nike and Starbuck's. I was thinking of how simple the BMW logo is. Just a simple propeller logo from pre WWII. The brand is not made by their simple logo, but by the quality of their product and service. That's their brand.
London has established their brand, and this logo does nothing but distract you from it.

Monday, March 26

Webkinz update

It's nice to see that I was able to post about an upcoming tend before CNN and Business 2.0 did. Webkinz is crack for 3rd graders...

Thursday, March 22

Monday, March 19

Creative Work Spaces

I've seen this before in the past. I love seeing what other creatives workspaces look like. It makes me feel better about all the toys in my office.

Friday, March 16

Worst Commercial Ever?

As we begin to produce prerolls videos for our website, I feel it would be good to deminstrate why we only allow 10 second spots instead of 2 minutes.

Wednesday, March 7

Helvetica the Movie

For the fans of Helvetica... Here is the link to the Helvetica Film and check out their wonderful movie poster.
I prefer Futura myself, but I am unaware of any films about that font.

Webkinz Online Interactive Community

If you have not heard of Webkinz yet, you surely will soon, especially if you have children. They’re sure to be the next must have toy reminiscent of the beanie babies.
Weblinz are sold at gift shops such as Hallmark stores. They stuffed animals that come with an online access code that unlocks a virtual world where your stuffed animal has an digital version of itself that can interact with a whole digital world. Your animal has favorite foods and activities and you build a room for your pet. There are games and activities that will keep kids occupied for hours each day.
It is a great example of how the upcoming generations are being raised with online interactive communities as part of their daily life.
Go to the Webkinz website and click on the "Take a Tour" button.

Tuesday, January 16

Time Lapse Picasso

Here is a nice little video that shows a time lapse of a painting by Picasso. Its fascinating to see the different steps used to create his painting.

Tuesday, January 9

Kodak has a sense of humor

Kodak uses the concept of the "Kodak Moment" in this spot originally created for internal use only. We're luck that they let it out for the rest of us enjoy.
Kodak spot.